Tennessee Passes COVID-19 Relief Act

On August 12 Tennessee became the most recent state to pass a law providing businesses with liability protection relating to COVID-19 claims. At least 12 other states—including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North… Read More
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Is COVID-19 a Comp Claim? It Depends.

As employers are still struggling with whether to bring employees back to work, many are asking if an employee contracts COVID-19, is it compensable under workers’ compensation? The answer to that question is “it depends.” Work Comp 101 –… Read More
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Making Remote Working ... Work: Is Your Business Ready?

The COVID-19 pandemic and its resurgence has changed how we work. In early spring, many businesses quickly transitioned to allow employees to work remotely, with the goal of returning to the workplace. However, with case counts climbing in the US and… Read More
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Coronavirus and Business Income Litigation: an Update

Over the last few months there has been significant discussion regarding business interruption insurance coverage and whether it will apply to businesses forced to shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In April and continuing to present day, plaint… Read More
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Risk Management 101: Documenting your file

For anyone who has attended a risk management seminar the phrase “document, document, document” can sound like a broken record. “Why do these people keep repeating something so basic” you might ask yourself. Documenting your agency management… Read More
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